Monday, May 01, 2006

The very unusual marrying of Celtic and Doric folk music with a hint of Jazz!

There was an interesting thing happening in the Prince of Wales pub in Aberdeen Last night. Normally on Sunday nights a group of folk musicians come together each weekend and have a long session playing and singing both local and other more wide spread folk tunes and the like. It’s the only time other than the weekly quiz night that any music will be heard in the pub.

Last night was particularly busy for a Sunday folk gathering with a lot of people watching and, from my normal casual observation, a few non-regular musicians involved the session.

One very unusual addition was a youngish Caribbean looking gentleman, with a trumpet and a metal cap that’s often seen in Jazz or Big Band circles where trumpets are used. He appeared to be an invited guest and was frequently adlibbing along to the music, adding an unusual accompaniment to the songs and tunes being performed. Now I may be wrong but I’d suspect the trumpet isn’t a common instrument in Folk Music, particularly the Celtic and Doric types the regular people on the POW usually play. This meant we had traditional Celtic and Doric folk music with a very interesting hot chilli jazz theme flavouring the atmosphere, something very interesting and possibly worth seeing again. It was different, but fresh, not spoiling the traditions still being kept alive by the regular folk players who come down to the Prince of Wales.

Brilliant entertainment and well worth waiting for if you are a tourist visiting the city and still around on a Sunday night.


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