Friday, November 18, 2005

Ah, the call of the Wild West, of er, Scotland!

We were up the West Coast in Oban for two weeks while on Honeymoon and I think I'd want to live my life there. The weather is much wetter I admit, but on the whole, the pace of life was looking more relaxed. I suppose the problem would be finding something to do that pays the bills and puts some away till you retire, but we can dream I suppose.

It does look very attractive though, and judging by the comments of someone in a local pub there, it sounds like many others with money have had the same Idea. What hope then for us mere workers finding a new life there then, I ask?

I do wonder if the world has taken an unfortunate slant to the benefit of the rich. I want to get out of this consumerism lifestyle back to a more simple philosophy, but it increasingly looks from this side of the fence that you need money to buy you're way out, which is very ironic really. Wealthy incommers push the prices of property when looking for idyllic holiday/retirement homesteads and the locals are trapped having to look away for work that affords them the pleasure of owning a home where they started out in. Doesn't leave anyone outside the area any hope of moving in then unless they are selling up someplace else that's more expensive to live in, which largely rules out most places in Scotland. I wonder if unless you've made a killing in property from southern England or someplace stupidly pricey to live you don't have a hope of finding the "Good Life"