Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hate Hate Hate…

I hate this job. I’m working for a man whose company has now grown over the size where he can control everything as his own small private business, but where he still refuses to pass on responsibility and even limited financial control. Why am I’m expected to argue for stuff that I should be expected to purchase in other organisations, such as backup tapes, server capacity, network hardware and even one spare P Fucking C!

I have no budget; and I’m not allowed to spend any money without his say, while at the same time I’m expected to do anything that is required to give them a system that is 100 percent reliable all day 365 days a year. All without spare hardware to cope with occasional emergencies that WILL happen, no matter what safeguards you put in place.

On top off that, he’s the most unapproachable selfish arrogant wanker you’ll ever meet!

I’ve put up with this for to long now.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Pluto the ex Planet :-(

Sad to hear that the experts have decided to relegate old Pluto to a lower league. What will we do with all those out of date text books?

Progress I suppose, but was it worth it I wonder, considering most of the people on this wet lump of rock have never stooped once to marvel at the complexity and beauty of the universe and what it all really means to be a person in this wondrous world we live in.

(World covering everything there really, not just the third rock from the Sun).